Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ugoku Origins: A Planeswalker Parody by ApAc

"The Demon And The Goblin"

                        A mighty roar echoed throughout the cavernous halls of the Ugrutentag, breaking the pre-dawn silence that sheltered the entire keep. Implings nesting on the alcoves shrieked with fright as the roar awakened them in panic. Numerous tiny wings fluttered to activity as they try to fly away from the source. None of them wanted to be near when the mighty roar gives way to the violent display of power that always followed. The thunderous sound continued to spread throughout the entire mountain keep, echoing from corridor to corridor as it went through the giant opening to the barren cliffs of the windy mountainside...

Returning to the Planes of Magic

 by MtgScrounger 

Four swift months. Shaking my head in disbelief, I couldn’t remember when it was exactly when I formally returned to playing MtG. Was it when I started browsing through the spoilers on the net? Or was it when I began collecting cards for a potential standard deck? Or  was it when I started visiting places that are the usual haunts of Mang Jerry or Boss Uly? Hmm…

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Smoking Gun – A Primer on R/x Agrro Archetype’s really frustrating that I didn’t bring home the bacon @ the office! You need not ask the results. It’so frustrating because it didn’t measure up to my expectations the way it turned out to be. Anyway, I’m glad that despite the heavy loss, something good popped up unexpectedly as if it were a Pandora’s box!

Tips in Winning Magic Tournaments

Oh man! Such Lovely places!
Right on time coz' I've got GOOD NEWS for you! I'm actually giving you an all-expense-paid trip to one of these beautiful places for free!

It's gonna be the best thing to happen to you this year! It's awesome and I'm pretty sure you're gonna like it! Who wouldn't?!

Theme will just like that of an Amazing Race...